Series T

Products / Series T

-Air-Oil Tank
-2 1/2" - 8" Bores
-250 PSI Hydraulic
-NFPA Porting

Material And Design Specifications

Air-Oil Tanks

Advance Automation Air-Oil Tanks offer a way of using workplace air pressure and converting it into hydraulic pressure. The hydraulic pressure is the same as the air pressure supplied.

Air-Oil Tanks are mainly used in slow speed applications where smooth piston rod travel is required.

Advance Automation Air-Oil Tanks use aluminum head, cap and tube. They feature baffles on the top and bottom, shatterproof sight gauge and flush-type fill and drain plugs. The operating pressure is 250 PSI maximum.

Dual Tank Air-Oil System

  1. Flow controls are recommended to limit the fluid velocity.
  2. Mount Air-Oil Tanks vertically at the highest point in the system. This allows self-bleeding of the tank.